Arms of Westkapelle


Two versions are available: one to view on a computer, tablet or similar, the other intended to be printed out.

All languages

Both versions can be downloaded below in English, standard Dutch and Westkapelle Dutch.

For computer, tablet etc. Type File size
English PDF 177 MB
Standard Dutch PDF 177 MB
Westkapelle Dutch PDF 179 MB
For printing
English zipped PDFs 125 MB
Standard Dutch zipped PDFs 127 MB
Westkapelle Dutch zipped PDFs 128 MB

Important: Please read the pointers for printing these documents if you intend to do this!

Note: The files linked to above are hosted at, and clicking the links will take you to that site, from where you can download them. You don’t need to log in at that site to do so.



These documents may be distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International licence (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


Version 1.1-en • 26 October 2020

Main changes:

(Almost) complete list:

Version 1.0-en • 17 August 2020